Our People

Eamonn Flanagan

Non-executive Director

Appointed: March 2018

Skills and expertise: Eamonn is a qualified actuary with significant experience analysing business and financial models of companies across financial services. He brings a wealth of expertise in responding to regulation, market conditions and developing strategic focus whilst delivering strong customer outcomes. Eamonn was the Director and Head of European Insurance at ING Barings before co-founding an investment bank, Shore Capital Markets Limited, where he was appointed as Director. Eamonn was previously a Non-Executive Director, Chair of the Investment Committee and Chair of the Remuneration, Nominations and Governance Committee at R&Q Insurance Holdings Ltd.

Current key external appointments: Non-Executive Director at Chesnara plc and Chair of the Remuneration Committee. Chair at Movestic Livförsäkring AB.

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